Frozen Pamper Camper Report

These came from an old Monthly Chapter Bulletin from November 1977

     It all started on cooold wintry night with some of the old standbys in attendance. Al "Hells Fire" Rubin, Vince "Crooner" Cavanaugh, Farkel "Tennis Shoe" Forristal, "Say Good Night Dick" Olson, Craig and Bear Buehrle and Paul "On The Side" Fair, all survived the cold of Friday night. We missed Jack Martin due to an operation!

     Friday night was capped off with singing as well as a lesson in fire safety. After a discussion between Vince and Charlie on the flammability of the liquid to be used to start the fire, Al "Hells Fire" Rubin lit the first fire. Vince proved to be correct as he brushed singed hair from Al's arms and the Park Ranger reported his first sighting of a rocket launching from somewhere in the park.

     On Saturday, many familiar faces began to show up for the day. George "Bunyon" Hertel began tearing down the park trees for fire wood. Ron "Ridge", The Troll and son, Ben "Peace" Love, Jim Turner, Ed Hobein, Vern and Tim Martin, Bob "By A Hair" Binz, Fuzzy Huston, Wally Ochsner, Mark Palermo and Jack "The Tag" Martin. (Yes, so soon after an operation.) Jack spread good cheer with his tags and assured us that everything was turning out in the end after his operation!

     Mr. Chaplin, a guest from St. Charles, sang Jack's favorite song "Wild Goose". Also, good old Jerry Mohr, who has attended for many years, sang for us! Some old quartets and choruses were heard and " Olson " ended the evenings entertainment by asking everyone if they had a turn to sing in the third half! How many halves are in a whole, Dick?

     Sunday breakfast found many gone but the old timers prevailed for some final songs. We hope next year will bring a better chapter turn out and that the chapter invites other chapter members to attend. this is a fine even to help bring a busy summer to a end. Hats off to those who made a showing, even in sickness!

     Smokey The Bear Burhrle (Charlie)